About the show

Dragon Con is one of the ESO Network’s favorite conventions of the year. Dragon Con is the Largest Multi-genre and Pop Culture Convention and Since 2012, we’ve devoted a monthly podcast to countdown to the big event over Labor Day weekend. While you work to perfect your costume, and your batch of apple pie ferments, give a listen to Mike Gordon, Jen Schleusner, Channing Sherman and many others while we deliver all the news, notes, tips, and tricks for newbies and veterans alike.

The Dragon Con Report on social media


  • The ESO 2014 DragonCon Khan Report Episode 7

    August 3rd, 2014  |  Season 3  |  2 hrs 22 mins
    carolyn brown, darren nowell, doctor q, dragon con, dragoncon 2014, eso 2014 dragoncon khan report ep 7, kevin bachelder, mary louwho, mike faber, mike gordon, nikki rau-baker, sara pope, thom trainor, zan

    ESO presents the penultimate special before the big event! With less than thirty days until Dragon Con, Mike, Mike, Darren, and Mary overstuff this episode with information and guests. The Directors for Alternate History Track, BritTrack,

  • The ESO 2014 DragonCon Khan Report Episode 6

    June 30th, 2014  |  Season 3  |  2 hrs 28 mins
    brandy roatsey, darren nowell, dragon con, dragon*con, dragoncon 2014, eso, kevin batchelder, khan report, mary louwho, mike faber, mike gordon, the eso 2014 dragoncon khan report ep 6, the eso network, true aquaman, zan bowden

    Dragon Chon is only two months away! Mike, Mike, Darren, and MaryLouWho check in with the hotel situation. Darren issues a harsh warning, Zan Bowden lets us know what to do with what’s left, and Kevin Batchelder has suggestions for the best ways to get around. Star Wars Track Director Brandy Roatsey previews a long list of programming in a panel room not so far away, and our Cosplay Snapshot catches and releases Rick aka the "True Aquaman.” This is the episode before the big unveiling!

  • The ESO 2014 DragonCon Khan Report Episode 5

    June 1st, 2014  |  Season 3  |  1 hr 22 mins
    2014 dragoncon, atlanta, darren norwell, dragon con, dragon*con, earth station one, eso 2014 dragoncon khan report ep 5, family friendly, kevin betchelder, labor day weekend, marylou who, michelle biddix-simmons, mike faber, mike gordon, nicole, the eso podcast

    Dragon Con is less than 100 days away and Mike, Mike, Darren, and Mary are here to help! We’ve got the latest news, notes, and guest announcements, along with an in-depth discussion about whether or not the show is “family friendly.