Episode Archive

99 episodes of The Dragon Con Report since the first episode, which aired on June 1st, 2014.

  • The 2023 Dragon Con Report Episode 9

    September 27th, 2023  |  Season 12  |  1 hr 53 mins
    2023 dragon con report, atlanta geek convention, channing sherman, dcr, dragon con, dragon con 2023, dragon con hotels, dragon con live, dragon con news, dragon con podcast, dragon con report, dragon con wrap up, dragon*con, dragon*con podcast, eso, eso network, geek, jennifer schleusner, michael gordon, mike faber, podcast, the 2023 dragon con report ep 9

    Dragon Con 2023 is over. Mike, Jen, and Channing have recovered enough from the wild weekend to review the highs, the lows, favorite costumes, panels, celebrity encounters, and other moments. Long live Dragon Con 2024!

    The Dragon Con Report is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

    We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome. Please write to us at feedback@dragonconreport.com and subscribe and rate the show wherever fine podcasts are found, such as Apple Podcast, Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, and our new YouTube Channel.

  • Episode 202105: The 2023 Dragon Con Report Episode 8

    August 25th, 2023  |  Season 12  |  1 hr 44 mins
    2023 dragon con report, atlanta geek convention, channing sherman, dave drinks guiness, dcr, dragon con, dragon con 2023, dragon con dj's, dragon con events, dragon con kon krawl, dragon con live, dragon con parties, dragon con podcast, dragon con report, dragon con theater and performing arts lovers, dragon*con, dragon*con podcast, eso, eso network, geek, jennifer schleusner, michael gordon, podcast, the 2023 dragon con report ep 8

    Dragon Con 2023 is nearly upon us! Join Mike, Jen, and Channing for our final report before the con. Members of the Cult of DC DJ’s get us in the groove and Dave lets us know what are the best parties to run, walk, or crawl to. Plus, the latest news and announcements to get you ready for the show.

    The Dragon Con Report is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

    We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome. Please write to us at feedback@dragonconreport.com and subscribe and rate the show wherever fine podcasts are found, such as Apple Podcast, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, and our new YouTube Channel.

  • The 2023 Dragon Con Report Episode 7

    July 29th, 2023  |  Season 12  |  1 hr 39 mins
    2023 dragon con report, channing sherman, dragon con, dragon con foodies, dragon con podcast, dragon con report, dragon*con, dragoncon, eso, eso network, food at dragon con, food podcast, geek, geek convention, geek podcast, geek talk, jennifer schleusner, kevin bachelder, mallory sides, michael gordon, podcast, the 2023 dragon con report, the 2023 dragon con report ep 7

    Michael, Jennifer, and Channing are joined at the restaurant round table by Mallory Sides to discuss the dining dilemma at Dragon Con. Plus, Kevin Bachelder advocates for Newbies and we review all the latest news and announcements as the con looms large on the horizon.

    The Dragon Con Report is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

    We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome. Please write to us at feedback@dragonconreport.com and subscribe and rate the show wherever fine podcasts are found, such as Apple Podcast, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, and our new YouTube Channel.

  • The 2023 Dragon Con Report Episode 6

    June 18th, 2023  |  Season 12  |  1 hr 38 mins
    2023 dragon con report, 2023 dragon con report ep 6, atlanta geek convention, channing sherman, dragon con, dragon con co-chair, dragon con guests, dragon con history, dragon con newbies, dragon con news, dragon con podcast, dragon con report, dragon con talk, dragon*con, dragoncon, dragoncon podcast, eso network, geek, geek convention, geek podcast, geek talk, jennifer adams schleusner, michael gordon, podcast, rachel reeves, sue kisenwether

    With less than three months until Dragon Con, Mike, Jen, Channing, and Sue review the latest news and newbie tips. And for our main attraction, we are honored to be joined by Co-Chair Rachel Reeves, who shares some of her lifetime memories about growing up with the Dragon!

    The Dragon Con Report is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

    We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome. Please write to us at feedback@dragonconreport.com and subscribe and rate the show wherever fine podcasts are found, such as Apple Podcast, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, and our new YouTube Channel.

  • The 2023 Dragon Con Report Episode 5

    May 23rd, 2023  |  Season 12  |  1 hr 33 mins
    2023 dragon con report, 2023 dragon con report episode 5, channing sherman, cosplay, dcr, dragon con, dragon con cosplay, dragon con guests, dragon con news, dragon con report, dragon*con, dragoncon, dragoncon report, eso, eso network, jennifer adams schleusner, joe colton, joe colton cosplay, keenen o baker, keenen o baker cosplay, michael goron, mike faber, mike faber producer

    For decades, Dragon Con has been known for its amazing cosplay. From the simple to the elaborate, this con has them all. Mike, Jen, and Channing chat with costumers Joe Colton and Keenen O Baker about what it takes to produce their designs on a yearly basis. All this, along with the latest news and guest announcements.

    The Dragon Con Report is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

    We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome. Please write to us at feedback@dragonconreport.com and subscribe and rate the show wherever fine podcasts are found, such as Apple Podcast, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, and our new YouTube Channel.

  • The 2023 Dragon Con Report Episode 4

    April 23rd, 2023  |  Season 12  |  1 hr 44 mins
    2023 dragon con report, celebrity, celebrity interview, celebrity sighting, channing sherman, dragon con, dragon con podcast, dragon con report, dragon*con, dragoncon, eso, eso network, geek, geek convention, geek podcast, geek talk, hanako ricks, jennifer schleusner, john strangeway, michael gordon, podcast, the 2023 dragon con report, the 2023 dragon con report ep 3

    Close encounters of the celebrity kind! Mike, Jen, and Channing review the latest news and guest announcements. And speaking of guests, Hanako Ricks and John Strangeways are our special guests to chat about Dragon Con guests past, present, and future.

    The Dragon Con Report is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

    We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome. Please write to us at feedback@dragonconreport.com and subscribe and rate the show wherever fine podcasts are found, such as Apple Podcast, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, and our new YouTube Channel.

  • The 2023 Dragon Con Report Episode 3

    March 26th, 2023  |  Season 12  |  1 hr 20 mins
    2023 dragon con report, channing sherman, dragon con, dragon con report, eso, eso network, geek convention, geek podcast, geek talk, jennifer schleusner, michael gordon, podcast, sven licht, the 2023 dragon con report ep 3, the dragon con report, the drunken dragon hotel

    As we pass the halfway point to Dragon Con, Mike, Jen, and Channing review the latest news and check in to the Drunken Dragon Hotel where they are sure to leave with some amazing swag.

    The Dragon Con Report is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

    We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome. Please write to us at feedback@dragonconreport.com and subscribe and rate the show wherever fine podcasts are found, such as Apple Podcast, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, and our new YouTube Channel.

  • The 2023 Dragon Con Report Episode 2

    March 5th, 2023  |  Season 12  |  2 hrs 8 mins
    2023 dragon con report, atlanta, atlanta hilton, atlanta hotels, atlanta hyatt, atlanta westin, channing sherman, darren nowell, dragon con, dragon con hotels, dragon con performing arts, dragon con report, dragon con theater, eso, eso network, geek convention, geek podcast, geek talk, jennifer schleusner, main dragon con hotels, marriott marques, michael gordon, podcast, sheraton, the 2023 dragon con report ep 2, the dragon con report

    Join Michael, Jen, and Channing as we explore all the Dragon Con host hotels. Which one is the best for you (provided you can get a room)? Plus, forming a new fan track with Theater and Performing Arts Lovers Gary and Sarah and we toast in tribute to our dearly departed friend and cohost, Darren Nowell.

    The Dragon Con Report is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

    We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome. Please write to us at feedback@dragonconreport.com and subscribe and rate the show wherever fine podcasts are found, such as Apple Podcast, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, and our new YouTube Channel.

  • The 2023 Dragon Con Report Episode 1

    January 28th, 2023  |  Season 12  |  1 hr 20 mins
    2023 dragon con, 2023 dragon con report, 2023 dragon con report ep 1, 2023 dragoncon, atlanta convention, atlanta geek, channing sherman, darren nowell, dragon con, dragon con podcast, dragon con report, dragon*con, dragoncon, dragoncon podcast, eso, eso network, geek, geek convention, geek podcast, geek talk, jennifer adams, michael gordon, mike faber, nerd, nerds, podcast

    We love Dragon Con, but could we love it even more? Mike, Darren, Jen, and Channing discuss some constructive criticism to improve the experience and help make the weekend better than ever.

    We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome. Please write to us at feedback@dragonconreport.com and subscribe and rate the show wherever fine podcasts are found, such as Apple Podcast, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, and our new YouTube Channel.