We found 2 episodes of The Dragon Con Report with the tag “virtual dragon con”.
The 2020 Dragon Con Report Episode 8
October 6th, 2020 | Season 9 | 1 hr 19 mins
darren nowell, dragon con, dragon con report, dragon con report 2020, eso network, geek convention, geek convention podcast, geek podcast, jennifer adams, mary lou who, michael gordon, mike faber, podcast, virtual dragon con
Dragon Con 2020 went virtual and it was the best that could be done under the current circumstances. Mike, Mike, Darren, Mary Lou, and Jen review their experiences and give praise to the many folks who helped make it happen, even though there was no way to digitally partake in some pie.
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The 2020 Dragon Con Report Episode 6
July 24th, 2020 | Season 9 | 1 hr 15 mins
2020 dragon con, 2020 dragon con report ep 6, dan carroll, darren nowell, dragon con, dragon con virtual, eso, jennifer adams, michael gordon, mike faber, the dragon con report, the eso network, virtual dragon con
Dragon Con 2020 is going virtual! Despite not being able to be held in the traditional manner, the con will go on. Mike, Mike, Darren, and Jennifer Adams are joined by Dragon Con Director of Media Engagement, Dan Carroll, to review the latest information on this unprecedented endeavor.