We found 2 episodes of The Dragon Con Report with the tag “nerd talk”.
The 2017 Dragon Con Khan Report Episode 9
September 17th, 2017 | Season 6 | 1 hr 45 mins
2017 dragon con khan report ep 9, after con, atlanta, darren nowell, dragon con, dragon con khan report, dragon*con, enternal zan, eso, ga, khan report, marylou who, mike faber, mike goron, nerd talk, the 2017 dragon con khan report, the eso broacasting network
We paneled. We cosplayed. We drank pie. Dragon Con 2017 is in the books. Mike, Mike, Darren, Mary, and Eternal Zan have recovered just enough to tell tales of the epic event, as the final Dragon Con Khan Report for 2017 drops down like a chair in the M...
The ESO 2015 DragonCon Khan Report Episode 2
March 2nd, 2015 | Season 4 | 1 hr 24 mins
atlanta, bewitched raven cosplay, con, convention, cosplay, costuming, darren norwell, dc, dragon con, dragon*con, dragoncon newbies, drop by dragoncon, enternal zan, eso, eternal members, geek, geek talk, mary louwho, michelle biddix-simmons, mike faber, mike gordon, nerd, nerd talk, the eso 2015 dragoncon khan report ep 2, the eso network
We’re approaching the half-way point to Dragon Con 2015 and at the rate this year seems to be passing, we’ll be drinking Buckets o’ Rum in no time! Mike, Mike, Darren Nowell, and MaryLouWho present the latest news and announcements.